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Our Portfolio

The AgFood Opportunities Fund uses a combination of fundamental and technical analysis to assess potential inclusions into the portfolio. Our portfolio reflects a combination of emerging and established assets that encompass our investment thesis. Their business models are scalable, exhibit good capital preservation relative to their position in the business lifecycle, and have proactive management that listen and respect external advisors. The AgFood Fund conducts regular health checks of the portfolio to ensure our investments provide an optimal risk-return profile to our shareholders and benchmark our investments against domestic and international peers and indices.

Unit Price

AgFood Unit Price June 2024.jpg

Past performance is not indicative of future performance


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Top Holdings


Free Range Chicken Farm

May 24 - Conference Wrap


Jan 23 - Next 25 years

Underwater Photographer in School of Fish

Nov 21 - Update 

Agronomist with Tablet

Jun 23 - Conference Wrap


Sep 22 - Update


Dec 20 - Update


Our Key Differentiators
Differentiators - June 2024.jpg

    © 2024 AgFood Opportunities Fund.

    The information on this website is general information only and does not take into account your financial situation, objectives or needs. The general information on this website does not constitute an offer to invest in the AgFood Opportunities Fund (the Fund) and should not be used as the basis for making an investment in the Fund. Before making an investment in the Fund, you should consider important information about risks, costs and fees in the relevant disclosure document (Information Memorandum). The Trustee strongly recommends that potential investors read the Information Memorandum in its entirety and seek independent professional advice as to the financial, taxation and other implications of investing in the Fund and the information contained in the Information Memorandum.

    The Information Memorandum for the AgFood Opportunities Fund is available to sophisticated and professional  investors only by contacting Any investment is subject to risk, including possible loss of income or capital invested. None of AgFood Fund Pty. Ltd., the Trustee or any of their officers, advisers, agents or associates guarantees in any way the performance of the Fund. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. The content of this website is current at the time of publication and may be amended or revoked by AgFood Fund Pty Ltd. at any time.

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