21st AgFood Conference
Sustainable growth comes from equality and diversity
Our AgFood Conference’s 16 speakers agree that ABARES’ plan for 4%/annum agribusiness value growth to 2030 is compatible with Australia’s Federal Government targets for carbon dioxide, methane emission and specie targets if we respect equality and use diversity.
Report link: RR_AgFood_21st Conference Report_230616
The diverse range of ideas from global leaders (Cargill and Nutrien), local leaders (Bega, Elders, GrainCorp) and emerging leaders (AWN Rural, CleanSeas, Cobram Estate, Rural Funds Group, Select Harvests and Yumbah Aquaculture) suggest that the path forward is the following:
Respect views from all people, race, gender, and age;
Listen to local and global customers;
Protect clean/green Australian and New Zealand environment;
Use agile long-term industry and company plans;
Lock in consistent regulation, standards and data sourcing;
Foster robust competition for adding value to farmers; and ,
Partner with large/small and domestic/global companies and regions
Reuse/Recycle – SHV’s new MD David Surveyor highlighted that all the 130,000t of biomass (vs 30,000t almonds) is being used to power processing (biomass to energy) and will partially fertilise crops in the future and contribute to lowering cost base.
BGA’s Circular Bega Valley initiatives at 55 farms and processing improvements (e.g.: making packaging from raw materials at site) are being rolled-out to the other 18 Australian food processing sites around Australia. BGA is benefiting with staff retention and a more compelling food brand.
Consolidation/Efficiency – ELD see 5-10%pa EBIT growth from its 20% Australian rural services market share. Global leaders Cargill and Nutrien also see Australia as a growth zone, and are prepared to do more partnerships (e.g.: Cargill/Nutrien low emission canola). As with above companies and AWN Rural (specialist agency group AWN Rural) and GrainCorp, it was agreed that there are amazing attractions if Australia manages one common digital standard, measurement and communication protocol. This may allow a quicker and cheaper path to global best practice. Individual companies can then focus on competition to provide tailored value add to farmers, and link to end customer’s needs and aspirations.
Life Science/Technology/Brand – It was noted that the survival imperative of New Zealand accelerates industrial regulatory change and innovation. Australian agriculture productivity improvement was just 0.6%pa 1997 to 2021 (Ref: ABARE). Perhaps the relatively young aquaculture industry can lead with 2-5%pa productivity improvements from CSS (Yellowtail Kingfish) and private Yumbah Aquaculture (shellfish). Horticulture is also a bright opportunity with CBO’s innovation adding Californian production to Aussie base. Traceability initiatives with wool and meat are delivering benefits.
Emerging companies.
MinBos (MNB) switches on its US$38m direct processor of Angolan phosphate rock for local farmers in November 2023 with off take agreements. It also has plans to use cheap green power for nitrogen and phosphorous industries.
Australian Consolidated Milk delivers sustainable profitability and milk supply growth (to 550ml) in Northern Victoria with a focus on suppliers and innovation.
Australian Plant Protein is looking to expand to 10,000t/a of protein isolate after proving its long-term commercial contracts at large scale 1,000t/a demonstration plant in Horsham.
AgFood Conference - Presentation and Videos
Adrian Parker (Agribusiness)
Mark Allison (MD)
Kelly Freeman (MD - Aus)
John Colley (MD)
Paul Jensz (AgFood)
Ben Fargher (Env APAC)
David Wood (CEO)
Rob Gratton (CEO)
Rob Spurway (MD)
Max Andrews (PAC)
Introduction - AgFood Fund
Paul Jensz (Chairman)
Lindsay Reed (CEO)
Gunther Burghardt (CFO)
Brendan McKeegan (Founder/Director)
Australian Consolidated Milk
Paul Ingleby (Director)
Stephen Scott (PAC)
Leandro Ravetti (J CEO) *online*
Tim Sheridan (COO)
James Powell (IR/Sust)
David Surveyor (MD)
CBA – Global Carbon
Lachlan Finch (Carbon Markets)
Stephen Rafferty (CBA)
Source: AgFood Fund
Green – Presentation , Green – Video
Contact pgibson@agfood.com.au for access
Contact Information
Executive Chairman pjensz@agfood.com.au
+61 410 650 909
Business Support pgibson@agfood.com.au
+61 437 372 464
Non-Executive Directors
Non-Executive Advisory
(Head Office)
Level 29,
360 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000
(from mid-June 2023)
Suite 26.01, Governor Phillip Tower,
1 Farrer Place Sydney, 2000
Suite 2.1, 9 Havelock Street, West Perth, 6005
This document is given to only wholesale clients (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) by representatives of AgFood Fund Pty Ltd (A corporate authorised representative of PAC Asset Management Pty Ltd - AFSL No. 335 374) as Investment Manager of the AgFood Opportunities Fund (Fund). By receiving this document you are representing that you are a wholesale client and that you will keep this presentation and the information herein strictly confidential and not provide such to other persons without the Investment Manager's prior permission. This document is directed at persons who are sophisticated investors with sufficient professional or other experience to properly assess the nature of the Fund including the risks of investing in such. This presentation is strictly confidential.
The offers of interests in the Fund will only be made in, or accompanied by, a copy of the information memorandum (IM) for the Fund which will be available from the Manager. The trustee of the Fund is Melbourne Securities Corporation Ltd ACN 160 326 545 AFSL 428289 “Trustee”. This document is intended to provide a general outline only and is not intended to be a definitive statement on the subject matter.
The 8-10% return target over a three-year period is not guaranteed.
This document has been prepared without taking account of any investor's objectives, financial situation or needs. An investment in the Fund carries potential risks and fees which are described in the IM. An investor should, before deciding whether to invest in the Fund, consider the appropriateness of the Fund, having regard to both the IM in its entirety and the investor's objectives, financial situation, and needs. Neither the Manager nor any other person guarantees the investment performance, earnings or return of capital invested in the Fund.
The Fund is a new fund and only has two and half years of historical performance information. Historical information is provided as a general guide only and should not be relied upon as an indication of the future performance of the Fund. No representation is made as to future performance or volatility of the Fund. In particular, there is no guarantee that the investment objectives and program for the Fund set out in this presentation will be successful.
Forward looking statements in this document (including statements of intention and projections) are made only at the date of this document based on current expectations and beliefs but involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors beyond the control of the Manager which may cause actual outcomes to be materially different. Assumptions underlying such statements involve judgements which may be difficult to accurately predict. Therefore, such forward looking statements included in presentation may prove to be inaccurate and should not be relied upon as indicative of future matters.
The terms of an investment in the Fund contained in this document are indicative and subject to change. Investors should read the IM which will replace and supersede this presentation and should not rely upon this presentation in deciding to invest in the Fund. The Manager and its associates and representatives disclaim, to the maximum extent permitted under the law, all liability in respect of this.
The views expressed in this document accurately reflect the personal views of about the subject issuer and its securities. No part of the analyst's compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to any recommendation or view expressed in this report.
The following person(s) holds a direct economic interest in HPP securities covered in this report and is Executive Chairman of AgFood Fund with ownership of the Fund and units in AgFood Opportunities Fund with ownership of shares (BGA, CAN, ELD, HPP, PTL, RIC, SGLLV, SHV, TFL, WNR. Unlisted include: Crush Dynamics, DAS, Yumbah, Lyro, Withwine) which may influence this document: an author (Paul Jensz) of this document.
PAC Partners has in the previous 12 months carried out work on behalf of Companies (TFL, WNR) described in this report and received fees on commercial terms for its Research and Corporate services. PAC Partners indirectly benefits from securities of Companies in the Fund via its founding shareholding in AgFood Fund, and directly benefits vis its ownership of Units in the Fund.
As a result, investors should be aware that AgFood Fund and PAC Partners may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. The AgFood Fund maintains a Conflict-of-Interest register and manages these conflicts with an independent investment advisory board.
*Paul Jensz moved from Executive Director – Research to full-time Executive Chairman of AgFood Fund in January 2023.
*For more information about AgFood Opportunities Fund please visit www.agfood.com.au